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Welcome to our blog. We will try to keep you up-to-date
with our freebies website "KCTC FREEBIES" in this blog.

We offer all kinds of graphic freebies: props, clothes,
textures, poses, hair fits, seamless tiles, tubes (in PNG
format most of the times), background photos, and more.

There is a menu on the left and we have a search engine just
for our website so you should find what you're looking for.

The site, right now, doesn't have any specific day of being
updated - as KCTC members have things to share, we'll
update the site.

Feel free to leave comments and thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Latest Update!

There have been many updates since the last post I made:
           KCTC Freebies

 JANUARY 5, 2013
  • Pippin Dreamy Eyes - Mininessie
  • Pippin's Walker - a gift for us all from Lully
  • Elemental Magick-Air for Kiki Pixie -Tiggersprings
  • Elemental Magick-Earth for Kiki Pixie -Tiggersprings
  • Elemental Magick-Fire for Kiki Pixie -Tiggersprings
  • Elemental Magick-Fire for Kiki Pixie -Tiggersprings
  • Elemental Magick-Water for Kiki Pixie -Tiggersprings
  • Pranx Dances Ballroom - Pommerlis

Several of these were part of Faeriewylde's 2012 Solstice
and now have a home at KCTC Freebies

JANUARY 2, 2013 
  • Pippin Basket MAT and Poses Expansion - Didda
  • Link to a video done with Peanut Guy by bigh
 DECEMBER 31, 2012 
  • Introducing Peanut Guy!! - Collaboration - Xantor, Contajen, Trumarcar, Posertoons, Tiggersprings, Alisa (AlisaUhLisa), and our dear late friend and KCTC founder France.
        5 pages of Peanutty Goodness!!

 DECEMBER 27, 2012 
  • Pippin Basket - Elleque

 DECEMBER 19, 2012 
  • Ski Poses for Kiki - size8
 DECEMBER 12, 2012 
  • Santa Hat for Pygmy - Trumarcar
  • Santa Claus for Pygmy and Gnoomie - Toyyaris
  • Santa Elf for Pygmy - Toyyaris
  • Pygmy more eyes - Trumarcar 

 DECEMBER 2, 2012 
  • Hair N Skirts for Avatoons - Trumarcar
  • Christmas for Avatoons- Toyyaris

     KCTC Freebies

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